Debunking Myths about Working with IT Recruitment Agencies

There have always been myths surrounding IT recruitment agencies: intentionally selecting costly candidates for higher payments, doubts about the competence of recruiters, and assumptions of indifference towards the HR brand, among others. Today, we at Lucky Hunter will try to debunk these myths and shed some light.

Myth # 1. Many recruiters are not qualified enough because anyone can be a recruiter

A seed of truth

Numerous online schools provide courses promising to turn individuals into IT recruiters within a month, assuring them that it will be sufficient time. Regrettably, such courses often produce "IT recruiters" who struggle to differentiate between Java and JavaScript.


It is almost impossible to work in the IT field without having deep and extensive expertise in the IT market. In reality, every candidate holds value, and companies metaphorically (or perhaps literally) compete for them. This dynamic requires qualified IT recruiters who possess the skills to navigate such demands.

IT recruitment agencies are selective in their hiring process. If companies often operate with a specific tech stack, IT recruiters must have comprehensive knowledge across various areas of the tech field. They need to understand the intricacies and challenges associated with each technology domain. Furthermore, the IT market is highly competitive, and every agency is under scrutiny. Reputation takes time to build, but only one mistake to lose it.

Myth # 2: IT recruitment agencies are indifferent to their client’s HR branding

Occasionally, some of our clients approach us with a request: "Please show us the letter you intend to send to candidates." They are worried about trusting us to protect their company's positive image.

Let's consider the situation: Is it beneficial for us to present our client's company in a negative light? How does this contribute to effectively promoting the job opening if we fail to protect the client's HR brand?

Why are we interested in creating a positive impression on our clients?

  • A positive impression helps to attract more specialists and fill the vacancy.
  • We publish all job vacancies under the Lucky Hunter brand. Damaging our reputation would be detrimental, primarily to us, rather than our clients.
  • We avoid working with companies having questionable HR reputations.
So, rest assured: we place immense value on our reputation, as well as that of our clients.

Myth # 3: Speed over quality

A seed of truth

Indeed, speed is a key factor in IT recruitment, and at Lucky Hunter, we take pride in our agility as we understand the urgency our clients often face when filling their vacancies. Besides that, it serves as our competitive advantage in the industry.


Our efficiency does not compromise the quality of our work. Here's why:
  • The ultimate decision regarding hiring a specialist rests with the client
    The client does influence the recruitment process when working with us: they play a significant role, from selecting CVs to conducting interviews and ultimately making the job offer.

    Considering this, we cannot simply impose the first candidate we come across to quickly fill the vacancy. Instead, we prioritise finding the best candidates through a thorough and diligent approach.
    In essence, increasing the speed of candidate selection can only be achieved by enhancing the quality of our work rather than diminishing it. Similar to mathematics, a direct proportionality applies here— the better our work, the faster we can successfully fill the position.
  • We provide a free candidate replacement guarantee
    Therefore, it is not profitable for us to recruit an unsuitable specialist. We strive to avoid replacements because we genuinely dislike going through that process. Our primary focus is on ensuring that the best specialists are selected to work for our clients' companies.

Myth # 4: There’s rivalry between external and in-house IT recruiters

At Lucky Hunter, we view every client as our partner, including the employees of the client's company. We work alongside in-house recruiters, assisting them in filling vacancies that they may not have been able to manage.

We do not feel discouraged if the in-house HR team fills the vacancy first. While we may not receive payment, we still gain benefits like connecting with new candidates, establishing valuable contacts for future opportunities, etc.
Filling a vacancy is a collaborative effort, and ultimately, only the result truly matters, regardless of the source.
However, in many cases, we can fill vacancies faster than in-house specialists – we have more resources, a broader candidate pool, and access to additional recruiting channels.

For example, we recently filled a vacancy within a month that the company had struggled to close for over a year. While this achievement should have been celebrated, it, unfortunately, led to some discontent among the in-house recruiters, resulting in difficulties and the need for additional approvals. Nevertheless, it is essential to recognise that our approach is collaborative, and we aim to complement and support the in-house team rather than compete with them.
Our approach to working with companies is centred around partnership: we firmly believe that our clients share the same perspective, as it aligns with our core purpose.
It is crucial to understand that IT recruitment agencies operate to select the most suitable candidates, which necessitates high-quality and dedicated work. We hope this article was practical.

We at Lucky Hunter understand the latest trends in the IT world. We can help you fill any vacancy, anywhere in the world. Fill out the form below, and we will contact you as soon as possible.

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